Wednesday, July 9, 2008

As the Light Fades

Gaze into the sun
and see it's shine
thoughts of Heaven
and God so divine
As day becomes night
and the stars shine bright
remember the love
that comes from the light
Saying goodbye
and letting them go
much harder than any
can possibly know.
Why do some lights dim?
while still in their prime,
why do loved ones leave?
before it's their time.
Hold the love so near
as it must remain
living inside us
we'll forever retain.
For as Love lives on,
memories as well
the tears will subside
our stories to tell
Smile for what once was
say goodbye aloud
but celebrate lives
and make them most proud.
I lost my Mom a year ago today, and this is something that has been on mind a lot lately. Loved ones are never truly gone, because my Mom exists to me as much today as she ever did. I just didn't get a chance to say so long until we meet again.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today marks one year...

I lost my Mom a year ago today. I spent part of the day with my dad, and a lot of time on the road. The thing is, when I drive, I think. Today, I thought a lot about Mom. I remembered a lot of the great things that we did. I remebered some of the dumb things that I crossed her on, but mostly...I remembered her smile, and I remembered her laugh.

Her's was a light that did not shine nearly long enough, but as it glowed it was bright indeed.

Mom, I miss you, and I'll love you always.

Friday, July 4, 2008


As we look upon the sunset which will signal the night,
let us remember that there is no commodity which we hold dear more precious than freedom. Our freedom in this land 232 years ago was limited.
It was limited in the sense that a great Kingdom across a vast ocean chose our path for us.
We as a people were treated much like children, and decided no more.
Our founding fathers on this day signed a document stating NO MORE.
As a nation we have evolved. We have evolved because freedom is precious to all.
In the 1860's our nation battled against itself for the cause of freedom.
The freedom which all men should enjoy.
The battle scarred our nation but in time, we healed.
In 1920 our country finally enacted women's suffrage.
Women had the freedom to help to choose the leaders of our nation.
This freedom was long overdue, but we as a nation have progressed.
In the 1960's, a man Had A Dream.
His dream, though cut short by the ignorant is still being realized today.
Today, we are on the cusp of His Dream being realized,
as our nation has evolved again and chosen a candidate to lead us.
Not based on color, gender, or religion
but on merit and potential.
Today, we enjoy the Freedom to choose,
the freedom to enact new policy,
and the freedom to be inspired by media of all kinds.
Be it movies, music, art, books, or theatre our freedoms as a nation are limitless.
Tonight as we look towards the sky and see the bright lights of the fireworks,
Remember the lights which signified the freedom which we enjoy.
As we see movies, or watch sporting events today, remember those brave men.
The 56 Brave Men who stood up for a people and said no more.
Those men without fear of recourse,
or consequences signed our Declaration of Independence.
With those signatures, came our Nation's Freedom.
Happy 4th of July.