Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What did you think?

So, What did you think?
I thought the Obama program was well done. I felt that it connected well with Middle Class Americans and was very informative on the economic issues which America is facing. I do believe that the "undecided" voters that are left may have been influenced in one of two ways:

1. Obama's message of the future and fixing the economy resonated with them and made them realize that he was the candidate that would steer the ship of America back on course.


2. That Obama was being almost arrogant by buying time on the major networks. That if this was the type of spending he was willing to approve for 30 minutes of time, how much would he spend over a 4 (or 8 )year time frame.

5 days 'til the election guys. The people who are still undecided are the ones who can't figure out if they want paper or plastic or if they want an apple pie with that. I mean for goodness sakes, what are people waiting for? I may or may not agree with the choice made next Tuesday, but at least people will make some sort of choice. (Sorry for the rant)

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