Thursday, September 25, 2008

Baytown Centennial Square Apartment Residents


When I write, I usually do so to relax. I am usually able to coherently put together words into thought and convey the things that I am feeling. As I sit here today, it has been nearly two weeks since Hurricane Ike came through the Houston area and overturned countless lives. Some of our issues have been major while others have been almost inconsequential by comparison. Today though, I'd like to write about a group of people that I have come to care about a great deal. About two years ago, I started delivering goods to a retirement complex about a block from my store. The residents in the complex are not simply customers to me, instead they are people that I have taken great pleasure in helping over the last couple of years. Residents like Mrs. Peoples, Mrs. McCown, Mrs. McCartney(and Chico the feisty rat dog), Mr. Webber and Mrs. Williams are people that I have taken pride in being able to take care of by bringing them their scripts, a smile, or even their favorite ice cream if it was in stock. These people became my friends, and I like to think I have been a good friend to each of them.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Ike did not show these people the compassion that they deserve. The Hurricane pulled the roof off of the 4 story structure forcing the residents to relocate. I have tried to get information on my customers, with little success. I just hope that wherever these wonderful ladies and gentlemen end up, that someone takes the time to show them the respect that they deserve. I have had a couple of them call me already and let me know that they are okay.

So, if you are reading this make it a point to help someone tomorrow. Be it opening a door for someone with a full load, doing the little things that some of us take for granted or even just giving a smile to someone who is having a rough day. The impact you can make on them cannot be measured by words.

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