Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Funniest Comedy Routine Ever

When I was in 8th grade, a buddy and I were in Drama Class together. One of the things we were not afraid to do was laugh at ourselves...or others. When we were gonna atten a competiton, there was only one bit that we could do. There was only one thing we wanted to try, simply because, we couldn't do a read through without cracking up. Thankfully, there is no video of our performance. So, I guess I'll just have to link up...Abbot and Costello's
Who's on First?

I hope that you enjoy this classic routine as much as I do. Whenever I need a laugh, or to take the edge off, I'll watch this.

1 comment:

robiwi2 said...

What's on second? That was a greqat time , Wayne! Thanks for posting!
(I was the other guy!)
