Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nathan the Activist

As stated previously, my son Nathan is 10 years old. He is a very intelligent young man who has developed theories on the beginnings of the universe, the speed of light and the big bang among others. He was very disappointed to discover that some of his concepts mirrored those of another person who thinks outside of the box...Steven Hawking.
So, my wife and my son who have in depth scientific discussions at the dinner table on a regular basis. He has talked about ways to help the environment, or even asked about why we don't' have cars that run on water. I find the dialogues that they have very interesting, even if they are sometimes out of my and Lauren's realm of knowledge. All that being said, I think it is great that we are able to support our son to be an independent thinker when it comes to things that he is passionate about. If someone has passion about an issue, they are more likely to follow up and try to make a difference. He is passionate about helping the world and making it better.
Yesterday, I got home from work and was told of something else that Nathan has developed a passion about. Nathan is in 5th grade and his class is the last one which eats lunch during the day. Recently, he has become concerned about issues at school lunchtime. He told me that there have been times where the entree choices have been limited for his class because of the cafeteria running out of the popular choices. His group is left with the least popular entree choices. This week, he was a bit upset about not getting Stromboli, and being stuck with Kung Pao chicken. His reasoning was that his class and grade level should have the same choices as everyone else. He also feels that kids who are on the school lunch program should not be penalized for having to eat late in the day. Nathan did say it only happens about twice a week, but that is still not fair in his opinion. Again, please remember he is 10.
After thinking about the issue, and discussing with a couple of adults, he decided that communicating with the cafeteria via a petition would be the best way to get his message out. Yesterday, he was involved in the composition of the document which he was able to get his entire class plus 4 teachers to sign. He tells me he is not done and hopes to get the majority of the 5th grade to support his view. Whether this does any good is immaterial in my opinion. The important part is that Nathan has become passionate about something.
He wants to do something about what he perceives as an issue which affects others. He wants to make people think about others. Even though it may be a small thing or even a nuisance in the minds of some, it is my belief that this is his first step in making a difference in the lives of the people that are around him. Isn't that what we should all do? Shouldn't we all want to at least notice the issues which affect not just ourselves, but those around us as well? He is speaking up, he is not accepting things for what they are.

Nathan, I am very proud of you for wanting to make a difference.

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