Sunday, May 18, 2008

A little rambling on my part today...

I woke up this morning and felt like being a little creative in a different way, it is a rough draft of something, I do not know exactly what. But, I felt it conveyed some feelings that have been bottled up inside for a little while now. I did not know exactly where to post this for feedback on here, so here ya go. Please tell me your thoughts:
One More Day
If you only had another day
to say all your good-byes
You would tell all your truths
and admit all your lies.
You would say so long to some
You'd realize what you'd missed
there would be some regrets
It would be a long list.
You would think "I did my best"
But, feel you went astray
you would make the tough choices
with only one more day.
What are the things
that you would set right?
What are the choices
that you think of at night?
With only one more day
You would proclaim your love
For those that are near you
or your Good Lord above.
We'll see no warnings
we'll receive no signs
there will be no chances
to relive the good times.
No more sunups or sundowns
todays or tomorrows
be thankful for happiness
and forgive your sorrows.
We should live each day
as if it will be our last
tell those close you love them
But above all, have a blast.

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