Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Random Thoughts

"Nothing you have or nothing you can acquire is as valuable as your integrity."
Mrs. Betty Leslie, VHS Teacher, 1989

I had a Physics teacher in High School, Mrs. Leslie, who told us that one day as others were discussing something in the news and how they would do anything to get their hands on...whatever. See, I don't remember exactly what the conversation was about, but I remember those words and that meaning. In the last 19 years, I have worked hard and had to terminate employees for theft on more than one occasion. Do I remember a whole bunch of High School Physics? heck no.

But, I took that lesson to heart that day. I mean, my parents taught me right from wrong. My heart knew right from wrong. But, no matter what Mrs. Leslie tried to teach us the rest of the year, nothing, and I mean nothing made as much of an impact on me as that lesson. It may have just been a remark to her, not to me.

I was driving through a parking lot in my hometown last week. There she was. Twenty years older, but still looking the same. Her lesson, still means as much to me today as then. Not from the words, but from the simple concise and oh so wise message. Thanks Mrs. Leslie.

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