Saturday, April 19, 2008

Been a little while

Let's see... In the last two weeks, pictures of my shame from the picnic were brought up at a district meeting. I'll never live down the hula hooping incident. I have gone through a retail inventory at my store. It went well, but could have been better. And, I spent a day at a friends store in Clear Lake helping them start getting prepared for an inventory. Why do you care about these things? You don't. I'm just trying to explain why I haven't had any entries lately.

I am up right now, because I can't sleep. I guess I could, I just don't want to. I haven't been sleeping well recently. Insomnia and I have been bosm buddies for over 20 years now. I guess buddies isn't the term. More like that relative that shows up and stays a while , then, just shows up again out of the blue. That's more accurate. You see, when I stay busy, I sleep fine. But, when I have a breather I run into problems. I keep getting told to take something to help me sleep, I just don't like to. I wake up feeling drugged and out of sorts if I take a sleep aid.

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