Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Collector's quest...

It started years ago. A buddy and I, Matt Hoffpauir, used to drive from Beaumont to Houston on a regular basis on our almost monthly quests for the stuff we wanted. For me back then, it was comic books, mainly Justice League of America comics, and old toys. Matt was a collector as well and would pick up a few books as well. His main goal was music. The store's in Beaumont had the new stuff, it didn't matter. What Matt looked for was old music by Todd Rundgren, and a lot of other people I had no clue who they were. The music was great, it was mellow, and cool, and was the perfect ending to two friends who just liked to hang out and blow money we didn't have. Hey, bills were paid, so it didn't matter to us. Honestly, whether we found anything or not, we had a great time and would just talk about stuff on the drives.

Matt and I each have families to take care of now. My family will sometimes go on the adventures with me. My favorite stops now include Bedrock City Comics, Half Price Books and other Toy and books stores. With the internet being so prevalent now, I know I could find everything I was looking for with technology. In my opinion though, it's just not nearly as much fun. The thrill of the hunt for the latest action figure for me or outfit for Lauren or science gizmo for Nathan. To me, not much beats finding something which is cool at a flea market.

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