Monday, April 21, 2008

A great start to my morning.

Listen, you know how everything supposedly happens for a reason. Well, I've always felt that was a load of hooey until this morning.

You see, originally my plan was to go to work today, but the store I was heading to, I was at last week. I thought about my mom a lot this weekend and I haven't been sleeping a lot lately, so I decided to take a vacation day. After taking the kids to school, I thought about a project around the house that I wanted to work on. I headed into my local Baytown LOWE's looking lost. Boyd, one of the clerks on the floor noticed me. He asked if he could help me find anything. He led me to my items, and helped me carry them to my car.

The normal small talk followed about the project. I wasn't gonna do it today, but it looks like rain, so I wanted to have a project. He stated on a day like today, he'd probably kick back and watch TV if he wasn't working. I stated that I had lost my mom last year and if I didn't stay busy, I'd just shut down. Then, the strangest thing happened. He didn't say the normal "I'm sorry for your loss." He asked me if he could pray for me. I said I'd appreciate it. It may have been a sight to others. Two men, in the middle of Lowe's parking lot this morning praying in the rain. But, I'll tell you what, it meant more to me today, than most people could possibly imagine.

Just realize, if you are down, something as simple as a hardware project can turn into the great beginning of a day that I've needed lately. I'll never forget how much Boyd helped me today. Not with the lumber needs, but with my spiritual ones.

Thank You Boyd.

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