Sunday, March 2, 2008

Comic Reviews

Okay, I was able to go to my comic chop over the weekend. I am only able to get by about once a month, but I was able to pick up what can only be described as my habit. So far, I've read a few of these and if you are a comic fan like me, you need to find people you can talk to about the stuff you read. So here goes...

Teen Titans #56 It was a decent book, Kid Devil doesn't really appeal to me, but the issue centered mainly around him feeling like an outcast in the Titans. I'll give it 6/10

JSA #12 & #13 From gazing at the covers by Alex Ross, to reading the stories by Geoff Johns, I was thrilled. These are two of my favorite creators in comics and having them work on the same book in any capacity is just awesome. The recruitment drive issue was great, and I loved the origin of Lance. The Superman showdown was different than the norm, they sat and chatted. All in All, this is one of my favorite books to read.9/10

JLA #18 JLA is what got me into comics, it's what keeps me reading, and it is now treated as it should be treated. A flagship title. The showdown with the Suicide Squad should have been spread over a couple of issues in my opinion. It was nice to see the nod to the past between Bronze Tiger and Vixen, and Roy asking about Cheshire was great. I thought that the issue was very good, but they may have tried to squeeze too much in. 8/10

Brave and the Bold #10 Team-ups with Silent Knight and Superman and Aquaman and the Teen Titans. Art by George Perez. Listen, I'm a sucker for Aquaman, most notably the Classic Aquaman. So, while I am tiring of the Megistus subplot hanging around for so long. This book gets a pass for me. Heck My version of Aquaman appeared. I smiled, and was happy.

I'll finish reading my haul over the next few days and post my thoughts.

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