Thursday, March 6, 2008

Finishing up my comic reviews

Okay, this is my last round of new comic reviews until I get back to the shop next month. Just realize, that I am a DC guy only, I haven't picked up a Marvel book since Cap#25, If I am missing out on anything amzing, feel free to let me know.

Green Lantern Corps #21 Okay, have you ever had a book added to your pull box for some reason and didn't notice it. That happened with GLC #21. Iread GLC during the Sinestro Corps War, and forgot to cancel it. I don't know a whole lot about the GLCorps with the exception of the Earth GL's and Kilowog, but this was pretty darn good. I am interested in where the Bellatrax story goes. All in all, this is worth another look next month.

Black Adam #6 Tomasi and Mandrake put together a story of love and devotion. A story told from the villains point of view. By the end, you almost forget that Black Adam is one of the worst villains of the DC Universe---an appearance of the JLA and JSA chasing him down snaps you back into remembering he's the bad guy. The Isis resurrection was the focal point of the story with all of the strings being pulled by Felix Faust. This was a very well done story, and when the trade comes out, I am sure a lot of people will be picking it up. final issue of this series

Nightwing #141 Okay, another Peter Tomasi book(since Black Adam is done, can you add a certain Sea King to your list of duties?), this time with Rags Morales on art. I loved Morales' work on Identity Crisis and his early Hawkman stuff, so I am thrilled he is on this book. Another relaunch of a well-established character. But, before you think you know exactly what's going on...there's also graverobbing. There are guest stars, from Superman on the splash page, to a group shot of the JSA lending a hand. Batman makes an appearance and Dick and Wally share a beer like friends do and catch up. Maybe, it's because I like Nightwing a lot,behind Aquaman he's my favorite DC character. Maybe it is because, the title has been floundering for a while and needed a different direction. But, I think this was the best book I read this month, and it's not even close. Guys, now is a great time to jump on board.

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