Monday, March 10, 2008

Why the Title,

Okay, I know that with the title of this blog, you'd think I would have a lot more stuff about Aquaman on here. Well, here goes...Aquaman is my favorite comic character. In first grade, Super Friends was on every Saturday morning. At recess everyday we would go outside and play superheroes. Everyone always fought over being Batman or Superman or Flash, but there was never any doubt on who would pretend they were Aquaman. You see, back then I was a slim blonde haired blue eyed kid who knew more about him than anyone else at on the playground( I would watch reruns of the "old" cartoon at my Z.Z.'s house. I knew his bad guys and I knew his wife was named Mera, my friends knew that Batman beat up the Joker and that Superman was Clark Kent. They could argue amongst themselves, I was happy.
As I got older and I started reading more and more comics I would look for anything with Aquaman on the cover. Super Friends, JLA, Action Comics, World's Finest, Adventure Comics, etc. He was a founding member of the original JLA, and once disbanded the team to lead the way too brief JL Detroit. When I started reading the back issues, I understood more and more about the guy. He was a husband, a King, a hero, a mentor, and at one time a father. His son was killed by Black Manta, his greatest enemy, when he was only a toddler. It was a comic book. It wasn't real, and besides it was only Aquaman. Until Flash and Linda Park and Luke Cage and his girlfriend, Aquaman and Mera were the only comic couple that I know of who had become a parent while being published. I know, I know, but the JSA kids keep springing up. DC killed off Arthur Jr. 30 years ago. No other character has experienced that type of loss to my knowledge. I mean Batman lost Jason Todd and replaced him, Jason is back no by the way. Ralph Dibny's character comes very close as far as being tragic. He was a father to be, when his wife's character was killed off.(Identity Crisis was a great read by the way.) Ralph then went a little nuts. But, Aquaman...he lost his son, his Kingdom and his wife. He remained a hero, until Dan Didio and Infinite Crisis and 52.
He is one of only 5 heroes to be published regularly since the 40's. Green Arrow, Bats, Supes and Wonder Woman being the other four. He has been a hero for his entire existence. Be it the Golden and Silver Age Arthur Curry or the Modern Age Orin, Aquaman has always been a hero. Protecting his home and the world, but it is the tragedy which the character has endured which makes him interesting to me. Is he as strong as Superman? NOPE. As fast as the Flash? No Way. But , is there more to this character than most people understand. Heck Yeah. If you are interested in reading good Sea King stories, try the Showcase Volume #1 Aquaman for some Silver Age magic. I also recommend Time and Tide, a 4 issue limited series which led directly to Peter David taking over the book and making Aquaman relevant again. I also suggest the Craig Hamilton 4 issue series from 1985, it was the debut of the blue camo suit. There are no where near as many Aquaman fans as there are Spider-Man or X-Men fans out there. Just realize, that us Aquaman fans know that our guy does more than just talk to fish.

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